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Authentic Hydrafacial in the UK (Official Certification)

Authentic Hydrafacial in the UK (Official Certification)

What is Hydrafacial? Hydrafacial is a globally leading non-invasive skincare treatment that utilizes proprietary VORTEX dual-action hydrodynamic technology and exclusive formula essence. It achieves the beauty effects of deep cleansing, regulating keratin, hydrating, balancing skin pH, and protecting the skin barrier. As a non-invasive skincare treatment, Hydrafacial is suitable for daily long-term care and is friendly to all skin types, particularly sensitive skin.
Principle of Action for Hydrafacial: Hydrafacial operates through a three-step process of "cleaning, rejuvenating, and moisturizing" along with the VORTEX dual-action hydrodynamic technology. It targets different skin types, areas, and needs, allowing for the use of exclusive beauty essences with various functionalities. This care, combining suction and infusion, cleanses the skin, deeply nourishes, and protects the skin barrier, thereby improving minor flaws and various skin issues, maintaining a radiant, healthy complexion.
Core Features of Hydrafacial: Classic Three-step Treatment
Hydrafacial's classic skincare treatment follows a three-step process of "cleaning, rejuvenating, and moisturizing." Its core lies in the use of meticulously researched formula essence in conjunction with the VORTEX dual-action hydrodynamic technology in skincare science.
The probe used in Hydrafacial is disposable, rejecting reuse to avoid the risk of cross-contamination.



Cleansing Step

Blue Probe + Activ 4 Essence

The vortex hydrodynamics assist in replacing aging keratin, maintaining skin vitality. Lactic acid within the essence softens and removes aging keratin, gently cleansing the pores, enhancing skin hydration, and awakening cellular vitality. Simultaneously, the inclusion of seaweed extracts and yeast components provides nourishing and antioxidant effects, preparing the skin adequately for subsequent steps.



Rejuvenation Step

Green Probe + Beta HD Essence

Precisely targets the T-zone for clear pores and helps balance oil and water.

Combined with salicylic acid in the essence for deep cleansing, it aids in softening blackheads, removing excess oil and dirt from the pores, unclogging sebaceous glands, improving the inner walls of deformed pores, and effectively tightening the pores. Simultaneously, with the inclusion of extracts such as elm and chrysanthemum, and honey in the essence, it regulates sebum secretion, inhibits inflammation, provides intense hydration, and leaves the skin revitalized with a radiant and hydrated look.


Moisturizing Step

Clear Probe + Antiox+ Essence

During the golden period of skin penetration after the thorough cleansing steps, the skin's sebaceous gland ducts are in their most unobstructed state. Using the nourishing infusion probe and combining it with highly effective nourishing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, mineral peptides, calendula extract, green tea extract, etc., deeply antioxidize, repair damaged skin, soothe and reduce redness, effectively diminish fine lines, improve skin texture, and provide comprehensive nourishing care for deep hydration, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, and repair. This step imparts natural, healthy radiance to the skin.


Advantages and Features of Hydrafacial

  • Non-invasive Treatment: Quick, painless, no wounds, no thermal damage, no postoperative care required.
  • The probe used in Hydrafacial is disposable, rejecting repeated use to avoid the risk of cross-infection.
  • Hydrafacial can complement other beauty projects, making the combined treatment effects more significant, with a performance of 1+1>2. It serves as a crucial skin care procedure for preparing the "preliminary stage" for light and electric projects, alleviating the irritation caused by subsequent projects to the skin.
  • Hydrafacial treatment is suitable for all skin types, including oily skin issues like blackheads, acne, and pimples, skin with keratin accumulation and incomplete metabolism, rosacea-prone skin, uneven and dull skin, dry skin with fine lines and enlarged pores. It is even suitable for sensitive skin.

Pre-treatment Reminder for Hydrafacial

  • Avoid using acidic (such as A acid, fruit acid, salicylic acid, etc.) ointments or skincare products one week before the treatment.
  • Avoid exfoliation or contact with high-temperature activities one week before the treatment.
  • Operations should be avoided in case of severe sunburn or open wounds.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals and those taking anticoagulant medications should undergo treatment after evaluation by a physician.
  • Individuals with chronic illnesses, drug allergies, or special constitutions should inform the practitioner in advance.
  • Inform the practitioner if there are skin or blood disorders or abnormalities in the immune system in the treatment area.

After-care for Hydrafacial Treatment

  • Post-treatment dryness, redness, peeling, itching, acne, and temporary dullness are normal phenomena. Moisturize properly to alleviate symptoms, avoid picking with hands, and strictly adhere to sun protection.
  • Ensure adequate sleep, avoid smoking, alcohol consumption, and reduce spicy and greasy foods for a week after treatment.
  • Within a week after treatment, skincare products containing ingredients such as fruit acids, salicylic acid, retinol, high-concentration vitamin C, alcohol, etc., should be avoided, and abrasive products should be avoided.

Frequently Asked Questions (Q&A) about Hydrafacial

  1. How long does one session of Hydrafacial take? Is there a recovery period?

    • The duration of a Hydrafacial session is approximately 30 minutes. It brings soft, radiant skin and enhances antioxidant protection through the three-step procedure. There is no discomfort after treatment, and it does not affect normal life. Makeup can be applied as usual.
  2. Is Hydrafacial painful during maintenance? What is the sensitivity like?

    • Unlike other facial beauty projects that are generally more painful, the Hydrafacial treatment is entirely painless and has no thermal damage. There are no wounds; it provides a feeling of refreshing moisture and overall relaxation and comfort.
  3. How long can the effects of Hydrafacial last? How often should it be done?

    • Hydrafacial is non-invasive, non-surgical, non-laser, and non-injection skin rejuvenation beauty treatment. The effect is noticeable after one treatment, making the skin delicate and bright. This smooth effect with moisturized radiance can last for about 5-7 days or even longer. It is recommended to undergo 1-2 treatments per month continuously. Once the skin has significantly improved, it can be reduced to once every 28-45 days. For friends with excessive sebum secretion and skin problems around the hair follicles, it is necessary to follow the doctor's arrangements and advice.
  4. Are there any precautions after completing Hydrafacial?

    • There are no special precautions after completing Hydrafacial. A small number of people may experience temporary redness, irritation, and tightness, but do not worry; it generally subsides within 72 hours. Strengthening hydration and moisturization is required within a week after the treatment. The skin will become more radiant, fair, soft, and moisturized.
  5. Is it possible to undergo Hydrafacial treatment if allergic to aspirin?

    • Beta-HD and GlySal contain salicylic acid, an ingredient of aspirin. Over-the-counter products or cosmetics containing salicylic acid for treating acne or pimples may have higher concentrations than Beta-HD, but patients do not need to be reminded. If in doubt, a skin test can be performed first.
  6. Can individuals allergic to shrimp, crab, and shellfish undergo Hydrafacial treatment?

    • Activ-4 contains glucosamine hydrochloride. If there is skin allergy to shrimp, crab, or lobster, there is a very low chance of an allergy. Glucosamine hydrochloride in the solution is at a concentration of <1%. Although it may not cause an allergic reaction, it is still recommended to do a local skin test or consult a doctor if in doubt.